Swampy Barren Lands - an Unappreciated Paradise
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List of species:
Rebhuhn, Partridge
Finken, Ammern, Sperlinge und Feldlerchen (Winter), Finches, Yellowhammer, Sparrows and Larks
Wacholderdrossel, American Robin
Blässhuhn (Blässralle), Coot
Stockente, Mallard
Feldlerche, Skylark
Hermelin, Mustela erminea, Stoat
Erdkröte, Bufo bufo, Toad
Ringelnatter, Natrix natrix, Grass Snake
Fasan, Common Phaesant
Weißsterniges Blaukehlchen, Bluethroat
Distelfalter, Vanessa cardui, Painted Lady
Blutströpfchen (Widderchen), Zygaenia
Braunkehlchen, Whinchat
Libelle mit Tau, Dragonfly
Eichblatt-Kreuzspinne, Oak Spider
Vierfleck-Kreuzspinne, Four-spot orb-weaver
About the film:
There are landscapes which can be labeled as barren lands or even wastelands because they are too wet, too dry or too unproductive. This land is not suitable for modern agriculture and thus seemingly useless for people.
Meanwhile, we know that these so called barren pieces of land are particularly valuable habitats for rare animals and plants, a paradise for insects, reptiles and birds – an experience for people.
Over the course of three years of filming, a portrait about the beauty of the swampy “barren” landscapes with its typical animals – butterflies and dragonflies, toads and snakes – and especially many birds in all four seasons.
We can observe Grey Partridge in the snow, mating and fighting pheasants – and birds on the verge of extinction such as the Whinchat and Bluethroat.
Images for film: