Beavers, Grebes and Storks
near the Masurian Lakes - Poland (1986)
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List of species:
Reiherente, Aythya fuligula, Tufted Duck
Schellente, Glaucionetta clangula, Common Goldeneye
Moorfrosch, Rana arvalis
Biber, Castor fiber, Beaver
Haubentaucher, Podiceps cristatus, Crested Grebe
Lachmöve, Chroicocephalus ridibundus, Black-headet Gull
Flußseeschwalbe, Sterna hirundo, Common Tern
Weißstorch, Ciconia ciconia, White Stork
Schwarzstorch, Ciconia nigra, Black Stork
Hausschwein, Domestic pig
Baumkuchen, Cylindrical cake
Hufschmied, Blacksmith
About the film:
There are a lot of natural things to see in the northeastern-most part of Poland. Old rural structures make for a rich animal world in and around the villages near the Masurian lakes.
The film looks back on the past, as traditional trades such as forging of horseshoes with a billows or the lengthy process of making Cylindrical cake over an open fire have long since died out. What remains are the many White Storks in the Masurian villages, beavers and moorfrogs in the hidden forest ponds – and one can experience the complicated courtship display of Common Goldeneys and Crested Grebes near the many small Masurian lakes.
Even the shy Back Stork still breeds in the swampy forest nearby.
Images for film: