Spirits of the Forest and Flying Foxes
The Exotic Animal World in Madagascar (1990)
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List of species:
Goldfröschchen, Golden Frog
Riesenstabschrecke, Archioptera fallax
Flatidenlarve, Nymphs of Phromnia rosea
Zwerg-Chamäleon „Brookesia“
Katta-Lemuren (Ringelschwanzmakis), Ring-tailed Lemur
Vasapapagei, Vasa-Parrot
Brauner Maki, Brown Lemur
Boa (Riesenschlange), Boa
Parson-Chamäleon, Malagasy Giant Chameleon
Farbfrosch (endem.)
Madegass. Zwergfischer, Madagascar Pygmy Kingfisher
Madagaskarstelze, Madagascar Wagtail
Nashornkäfer, Rhinocerus Beetle
Blattnasennatter, Langaha madagascariens
Madegass. Mäusebussard, Madagascar Buzzard
Webervögel: gelber und roter Fudy, Yellow and Red Fody
Madegass. Schildrabe, Madagascar Pied Crow
Dreiaugen-Leguan, Iguana
Madagaskarfalke, Madagascar Kestrel
Madagaskar-Flugfuchs, Madagascar Flying Fox
Schwarzmilan, Black Kite
Madagaskar-Racke, Broad-billed Roller
Amaryllisart „Crinum“ und madegass. Kannenblume, Crinum - Nepenthes
Indri-Lemur, Indri indri, Indri, Babakoto
Larven-Sifaka, White Sifaka
Madegass. Paradiesschnäpper, Madagascar Paradise Flycatcher
Wieselmaki (Lepilemur), Sportive Lemurs
Spitzschopf-Coua (Seidenkuckuck), Crested Coua
Tulukuckuck, Madagascar Coucal
Rotvanga-Würger, Rufous Vanga
Goldener Bambuslemur, Golden Lemur
Streifentanrek, Streaked Tenrec
Mantella-Fröschchen, Mantella
Comet (Riesennachtschmetterling, endem.), Comet
About the film:
The animal world of Madagascar is one-of-a-kind because it developed on its own over millions of years, uninfluenced by the African mainland. This isolation allowed animal species to survive which had long died out in the rest of the world, like Lemurs – also called Makis. Since most lemurs are nocturnal (like the Sportive Lemur), and others can more easily be heard than seen (like the Indris), these animals can be equated with “spirits of the forest”.
Da die meisten Lemuren nachtaktiv sind (wie das Wieselmaki), andere eher zu hören als zu sehen sind (wie die Indris), gleichen sie „Waldgeistern“.
Little research has been conducted in animal world of Madagascar. Nonetheless deforestation continues; more than 90 percent of the tropical rainforest has been destroyed.
Due to the destruction of the rainforest, the orange Mantella Frog and the giant Madagascar-flying Foxes can now only be found in one area of the jungle, and the largest butterfly in the world, the Comet, has almost completely died out. Quite rare are the Madagascar-nosed Snake and the Golden Bamboo Lemur – as well as the film team’s new discovery: the “colored frog”.
Images for film: