Hot Land on the Red Sea
The Mountainous Area of Yemen (1995)
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List of species:
Schwarzmilan – Schmarotzermilan, Milvus migrans parasitus, Black-Kite parasit
Schluchtenrötel, Monticola rufocinerea, Little Rock Thrush
Jemen-Hänfling, Linaria yemenensis, Yemen Linnet
Goldflügelgimpel, Pyrrhula erythaca, Golden-winged Grosbeak
Steppenadler, Aquila nipalensis, Steppe-Eagle
Gänsegeier, Gyps fulvus, Griffon-Vulture
Taumelkäfer, Gyrinus spec., Whirligig Beetles
Schwalbenschwanz, Papilio machaon, Old World Swallowtail
Blaubauch-Agame, Agama spec.
Jemen-Waran, Varanus yemenensis, Yemen Monitor
Amethystglanzstar, Cinnyricinculus leucogaster, Plum-coloured Starling
Glanznektarvogel, Cinnyris habessinicus, Shining Sunbird
Mantelpavian, Papio hamadryas, Hamadryas Baboon
Waaliataube, Treron waalia, Yellow-bellied Green Pigeon
Jemen-Astrild, Estrilda rufibarba, Arabian Waxbill
Jemenitische Streifenprinie, Burnesia gracilis yemenensis, Yemen Striped-backed Prinia
Erznektarvogel, Hedydipna metallica, Eastern Pygmy Sunbird
Silberschnäbelchen, Euodice cantans, African Silverbill
Schwarzschwanz (Steinschmätzer), Ceromela melanura, Blackstart
Gespensterkrabbe, Ocypodidae, Ghost Crab
Hemprichmöve, Adelarus hemprichii, Hemprich´s Gull
About the film:
Not much is known about Yemen. Yemen is the poorest country in the Arab world and is a refuge for Muslims. Traveling alone in this extremely oriental country on the southernmost tip of the Arabian Peninsula was always an adventurous and difficult endeavor; today it is almost impossible to travel alone here, since the area has become too dangerous for “non-believers.”
A feudal structure, in which power lies with the prince of the clan, prevents any modernizing and therefore conserves the magic of an oriental country from the Arabian Nights.
Those who were able to experience the concert of over 100 minarets of Muezzins calling for prayer at sunrise in Sana’a, will never forget the fairytale magic of this strictly Muslim country. Birds of prey, like the Black-Kite Parasit, circle above in the morning sky.
This bird will always accompany us from the cool highlands down to the coast of the Red Sea, to the Gulf of Aden, to the damply-hot Tihama-lowlands, and to the legendary Wadi Hadramaut in southern Yemen. It lies on the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. Medieval cities, like Shibam or Tarim, impress with their century-old skyscrapers made of rammed clay. There is a great bird world in the palm trees of this place – and on the coast of the Indian Ocean, many Ghost Crab can be found.
Images for film: