Habitat Central America
Deserts and Lagoons in Mexico (1994)
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List of species:
Roter Kardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, Red Cardinal
Teddybärcholla, Opuntia bigelowii
Feigenkaktus, Opuntia spec.
Kutschenpeitschennatter – Renn-Natter, Masticophis flagellum, Coach Whip
Spottdrossel, Mimus polyglottus, Mocking Bird
Korallenschlange, Micrurus browni, Coral Snake
Wüsten-Schwarzkäfer, Tenebrionidae, Desert Black Beetle
Skorpions-Krustenechse, Heloderma horridum, Mexican-beaded Lizard
Helmwachtel, Lophortyx gambelii, Gambel´s Quail
Weißschwanzbussard, Buteo albicaudatus, White-tailed Hawk
Krötenechse, Phrynosoma asio, Horned Lizard
Rote Zwergtrugnatter, Stenorrhina freminvillii lactea, Salmon-red-dwarf-Snake
Perlmutt-Helikonienfalter, Agraulis vanillae, Heliconia-Fritillary
Monarchfalter, Danaus plexippus, Monarch Butterfly
Schneckenweihe, Rostrhamus sociabilis, Snail Kite
Schwefeltyrann (Fliegenschnäpper), Pitangus sulphuratus, Great Kiskadee (Flycatcher)
Riefenschnabel-Ani, Crotophaga sulcirostris, Groove-billed Ani
Rubintyrann, Pyrocephalus rubinus, Vermilion Flycatcher
Rotbrustfischer, Ceryle torquata, Ringed Kingfisher
Amazonasfischer, Chloroceryle amazona, Amazon Kingfisher
Silberreiher, Casmerodius albus, Great Egret
Seidenreiher, Egretta thula, Snowy Egret
Weisser Ibis, Eudocimus albus, White Ibis
Gelbstirn-Blatthühnchen – Gelbstirn-Jassana, Jacana spinosa, Northern Jacana
Streifenbasilisk, Basiliscus vittatus, Banded Basilisk
Südamerikanische Rohrdommel, Botaurus pinnatus, Pinnated Bittern
Mangrovereiher, Butorides striatus, Green-backed Heron
Rennkrabbe – Gespensterkrabbe, Ocypodidae, Ghost Crab
Einsiedlerkrebs, Coenobitidae, Hermit Crab
Schwarzer Leguan, Ctenosaura similis, Spiny-tailed Iguana
Blauer Doktorfisch, Acanthurus coeruleus, Blue Tang
Papageifisch, Scarus ghobban, Blue-barred Parrotfish
Blaustreifen-Grunzerfisch, Haemulon sciurus, Blue-stripped Grunt
Barracuda, Sphyraena baracuda, Barracuda
Pfeilschwanz, Limulus polyphemus, Horseshoe Crab
Großplatten-Seestern, Asteroidea-Phanerozonia, Starfish
Roter karibischer Flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber r., Caribbean Flamingo
Mexikanischer Stelzenläufer, Himantopus mexicanus, Black-necked Stilt
Strandläufer, Calidris spec., Sandpiper
Brauner Pelikan, Pelecanus occidentalis, Brown Pelican
About the film:
Mexico is the land of the cacti (with over 300 species) and the land of the snakes (with almost 500 different species). While reptiles like the Coral Snake and the Salmon-red-dwarf-Snake tend to hide themselves, the many colorful birds like the Red Cardinal, Great Flycatcher and the Ringed Kingfisher are easier to spot.
Here we learn about the very different habitats in Mexico, along with their typical plants and animals:
- in the desert of Chihuahua we come across Gambel´s Quail, White-tailed Hawk and Horned Lizard
– in the highlands of Michoacán large collections of Monarch Butterflies hibernating
- in the swampy areas on the Gulf of Mexico different Egrets, the Northern Jacana, Pinnated Bittern and the Banded Basilisk
– in the coastal region Yukatáns Ghost Crab, Spiny-tailed Iguana and fish, like the Blue Tang, Bue-barred Parrotfish and Barracuda
– and in the salt lagoons of Rio Lagartus Caribbean Flamingos as well as the Horseshoe Crab.
Images for film: