Habitat Central America
Tropical Forests in Mexico (1994)
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List of species:
Mantel-Brüllaffe, Aloutta pallita, Mantled Howler
Jaguar, Panthera onca, Jaguar
Harpyie, Harpia harpyja, Harpy Eagle
Baumhörnchen, Sciurus deppei, Deppe´s Squirrel
Erzspitznatter, Oxybelis aenus, Mexican Vine Snake
Nachtigall-Kolibri, Campylopterus curvipennis, Wedge-tailed Sabrewing
Orangebinden-Helikonienfalter, Heliconia hortense, Heliconid Butterfly
Mexikanischer Morphofalter, Morpho peleides, Mexican Morpho
Grüner Blattfalter, Siproeta steleues, Green Leaf Butterfly
Türkis-Schimmerfalter, Urania leilus, Urania Butterfly
Blattmantis, Choeradodis, Leaf Mantid
Glasfußheuschrecke, Glass-soled Bushcricket
Tuxtla-Kronenbasilisk, Laemanctus serratus maccoyi, Los-Tuxtlas-Casque-headed Iguana
Riesen-Schlammfliege, Corydalidae, Giant Alderfly
Braune Lanzenotter, Bothrops godmani, Godman´s Lancehead
Himmelblauer Laubkäfer, Rutelini, Blue leaf-horned Beetle
Halsband-Arassari, Pteroglossus torquatus, Banded Aracari, Toucan
Rotstirnamazone, Amazona autumnalis, Red-lored Amazon
Waschbär, Procyon lotor, Racoon
Rautenkrokodil, Crocodylus moreletti, Morelet´s Crocodile
Kuhreiher, Bubulcus ibis, Cattle Egret
Rotleib-Vogelspinne, Red-haired Bird Eater
Los Tuxtlas-Nachtechse, Lepidophyma pajapaneusis, Los Tuxtlas Night Lizard
Pracht-Lyraschlange, Trimorphodon tau, Splended Lyre Snake
Bromelienspinne, Lycosidae c.f., Bromeliad (Hunting)-Spider
Bromelien-Pilzzungensalamander, Bolitoglossa mexicana, Lungless Salamander
Goldener Schildkäfer, Golden Tortoise Beetle
Nashornkäfer, Lamelicornia, Rhinoceros Beetle
Ameisenwespe, Mutilidae, Mexican Velvet Ant
Blauschwanz- Skink, Blue-tailed Skink
Weißrüssel-Nasenbär, Nasua narica, Coati
Aguti (mexikan.), Dasyprocta mexicana, Mexican Agouti
Tuberkelhokko, Crax rubra, Great Curassow
Perlnatter, Drymobius margaritiferus, Speckled Racer
Langschwanzhäher (Blauhäher), Calocitta formosa, White-trhroated Magpie Jay (Blue Jay)
Chachalaca (westmexikan.), Ortalis poliocephala, West-mexican Chachalaca
Mexikanischer Augenspinner, Saturnidae gen. spec., Mexican Emperor
Krustenechse, Heloderma horridum, Mexican beaded Lizard
Wegebussard, Rupornis magnirostris, Roadside Hawk
Grüne Baumschlange, Green Tree Snake
Rote Landkrabbe, Gecarcinidae gen. spec., Land Crab
About the film:
Although 2/3 of Mexico consists of dry desert, there are wet and tropical regions in the highlands of Chiapas, in which evergreen rainforests and seasonal dry forests on the Pacific coast flourish.
A small tropical forest area, the volcanic hill of Los Tuxtlas, also exists on the Atlantic coast. The different fauna in this nature preserve are the main focus of this film.
We see funny looking insects, like Blue leaf-horned Beetle or Glass-soled Bushcricket – snakes, such as the Godman´s Lancehead or the Splended Lyre Snake – birds such as the Wedge-tailed Sabrewing, Banded Aracari, or Great Curassow, as well as the Racoon and Coati, Mexican Agouti, Deppe´s Squirrel, Mantled Howler and the Jaguar.
While on a boat trip at night on Catamaco Lake, we discover the rare Morelet´s Crocodiles at the foot of the volcanic hill.
Images for film: