Coral Islands and Volcanoes in the South Pacific
The Salomon Islands (1996)
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List of species:
Cokerell-Fächerschwanz, Rhipidura cockerelli, Cockerells Fantail
Pazifikwaran, Varanus indicus, Indian Monitor
Salomonenkakadu, Cacatua ducorps, Ducorp´s Cockatoo
Gabel-Nashornkäfer, Xylotrupes gideon, Dynastid Beetle
Grünschwanzlori, Lorius chlorocerus, Yellow-bibbed Lory
Vagabund-Schmetterlingsfisch, Chaetodon vagabundus, Vagabond butterflyfish
Riffbarsche, Perciformes spec., Reef Fishes
Füsiliere-Schwarmfische, Caesionidae, Fusiliers
Blauer Seestern, Linckia laevigata, Blue Sea Star
Federstern, Oxycomanthus bennetti, Bennetti-Feather Star
Anemonen-Clownfisch, Amphiprion spec., Anemonefish
Seeanemone-„Blumentier“, Stichodactyla gigantea, Sea Anemone
Muräne, Gymnothorax spec., Moray Eel
Riesenmuschel, Tridacna spec., Giant Clam
Chromodoris-Meeresnacktschnecke, Chromodoris elizab., Chromodoris Sea Slug
Dornenkronen-Seestern, Acanthaster planci, Crown-of-thorns Starfish
Steinkoralle, Reef Coral
Weichkoralle, Soft Coral
Tubastraea-Koralle, Tubastraea micrantha, Tubastraea Coral
Gestrichelte Seenadel, Corythoichthys intestinalis, Banded Pipefish
Einsiedlerkrebs, Coenobita spec., Land Hermit Crab
Schwarznacken-Seeschwalbe, Gygisterna sumatrana, Black-naped Tern
Wachsblume (Porzellanblume), Hoya carnosa
Helikonie, Heliconia
Gelber Salomonenlaubfrosch,Yellow Tree Frog
Rosenkäfer, Potosia spec., Rose-chafers
Blattlaufkäfer, Tricondyla aptera, Tigerbeetle
Vogelflügelfalter, Ornithoptera spec., Bird Wings
Singender Papagei, Singing Parrot
Silberkappen-Fruchttaube, Silver-capped Fruit Dove
Tongaflugfuchs, Tongan Flying Fox
Plattschwanz-Seeschlange, Banded Seakrait
Fregattvogel, Fregata ariel, Frigate Bird
Kormoran, (Little Pied) Cormorant
Ibis, Thresciornis moluccus, Black-necked Ibis
Rotfußtölpel, Sula sula, Red-footed Booby
Mendana-Hornvogel, Mendanan Hornbill
Grauer Kuskus, Phalanger orientalis, Grey Cuscus
Nashornkäfer, Xylotupes gideon, Dynastid Beetle
Stachelspinne, Gasteracantha, Gasteracanthes
Augenfalter, Satyritae, Meadow Browns
Widderbär, Syntomididae, Syntomide-Moth
Kletterskink, Scincidae, Solomonskink
Pazifikboa, Candoia carinata, Pacific Boa
Massénalori, Massenas (Rainbow) Lory
Kardinallori, Chalcopsitta cardinalis, Cardinal Lory
Singstar, Aplonis cantoroides, Singing Starling
Hirtenmaina, Acridotheres tristis, Indian Myna
Melanesisches Großfußhuhn, Melasian Magapode
Palmdieb, Birgus latro, Coconut Crab
Streifengecko, Gecko vittatus, Banded leaf-toed Gecko
Salomonen-Riesenskink (Wickelskink),Monkey-tailed Skink
Braune Baumtrugnatter, Brown Treesnake
Pazifikgecko, Gehyra oceanica, Oceanic Gecko
Nektarflughund, Blossom fruit Bat
About the film:
The Salomon Islands are a relatively untouched animal paradise in the South Pacific.
The animal world on the dormant volcanoes and on the coral islands is diverse and colorful; many animals such as the Monkey-tailed Skink or the Mendanan Hornbill only exist on these islands. Here alone, a dozen species of parrots like the Ducorp´s Cockatoo or the Yellow-bibbed Lory are also endemic. Marsupials like the Grey Cuscus sneak through the woods of the dense cloud forest.
The Melasian Megapode lays its eggs in the sand and allows the sun to make them hatch. The Polynesians dig up the freshly laid eggs and roast them in a bamboo pipe over an open fire.
The large number of fruit eating Fruit Bats like the diurnal Tongan Flying Foxes, the nocturnal Blossom fruit Bats and the solitary living Tubenosed Bat is quite impressive. The Coconut Crab moves about at dusk. The locals consider this giant crabs a delicacy.
The coral island Rennell is a natural wonder. At a height of 200 meters, it is the highest coral atoll in the world. Flocks of Frigate Birds and Red-footed Bobbies live on the island – and the island’s coral reef is home to Sea Stars, Giant Clams, Sea slugs, Seakraits and Anemonefishes The delicate Banded Pipefishes, relatives of the seahorse, show us their pairing dance.
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