Wild Venezuela (2)
Tropical Savannas (1998)
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List of species:
Wasserschwein, Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris, Capybara, Chiquire
Grabeule (Kanincheneule), Speotyto cunicularis, Burrowing Owl, Mochuelo de Hoyo
Rotschnabelpfeifgans, Dendrocygna autumnalis, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Güirirí
Witwenpfeifgans, Dendrocygna viduata, White-faced Whistlg.-Duck, Yaguaso Cariblanco
Anakonda, Eunectes murinus, Anaconda, Anaconda
Orinokogans, Neochen jubata, Orinoco Goose, Pato Carretero
Scharlachsichler, Eudocimus ruber, Scarlet Ibis, Corocoro Colorado
Virginiauhu, Bubo virginianus, Great Horned Owl, Lechuzón Orejudo
Brillenkaiman, Caiman crocodilus, Caiman, Baba
Schildkröte, Podocnemys vogli, Llanos sideneck
Roter Brüllaffe, Alouatta seniculus, Red Howler Monkey, Mono araguato
Grünbürzel-Sperlingspapagei, Forpus passerinus, Green rumped Parrotlet, Periquito
Trauergrackel, Quiscalus lugubis, Carib Grackle, Tordo Negro
Schwefeltyrann, Tyrannopsis sulphurea, Sulphury Flycatcher, Atrapamosca Sulfuroso
Gelbkopfstärling, Agelaius icterocephalus, Yellow-hooded Blackbird, Turpial de Agua
Schwarzkehlkardinal, Paroaria gularis, Red-capped Cardinal, Cardenal Bandera Alemana
Blatthühnchen (Rotstirn-Jakana), Jacana jacana, Wattled Jacana, Gallito de Laguna
Rallenkranich, Aramus guarauna, Limpkin, Carrao
Weißhalsibis, Theristicus caudatus, Buff-necked Ibis, Tautaco
Hornwehrvogel, Anhima cornuta, Horned Screamer, Aruco
Silberreiher, Casmerodius albus, Great Egret, Garza Blanca Real
Kiemenschlitzaal, Synbranchus spec.
Karakara, Polyborus plancus, Crested Caracara, Caracara Encrestado
Aplomadofalke, Falco femoralis, Aplomado Falcon, Halcon Aplomado
Scherenschnabel: Rhynchops niger; Black Skimmer; Pico de Tijera
Orinokogans: Neochen jubata; Orinoco Goose; Pato Carretero
About the film:
The tropical savannas of Venezuela are hot, damp flatlands used for breeding cattle in the southern part of the country. Since the meadows and riparian forests are regularly flooded during the summer rainy season, lagoons, swamps and ponds remain even during the month-long dry season - leaving a paradise for wild animals. While these animals are hunted without remorse in the rest of the country, they are strongly protected in the private nature preserves of the “Llanos” swamps.
From the top of the sandy embankments which run through the swamps, Burrowing Owls observe daily life from all directions: the scrambling of the Capybaras and their secret pairing ritual, the herding of cattle through the “Llaneros”, the fisherman´s nest building, the Heron´s hunt, the Red-Howler Monkey´s noisy eating and the Caiman as well as the silent slithering of the giant Anaconda snake.
Images for film: