Jungle Acrobats
Monkeys and Parrots in Costa Rica
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List of species:
Klammeraffe, Klammerschwanzaffe, Ateles geoffroyi, Spider Monkey
Aguti, Dasyprocta punctata, Agouti
Weißhals-Manakin, Manacus candei, White-collared Manakin
Mantelbrüllaffe, Aloutta pallida, Mantled Howler Monkey
Goldkehltukan, Rhamphastos swainsonii, Chestnut-mandibled Toucan
Pekari, Tayassu tajacu, Collared Peccary
Arakanga, Roter Ara, Ara macao, Scarlet Macaw
Königstyrann, Tyrannus tyrannus, Kingbird
Gespenstkrabben, Phtisica marina, Caprellids
Totenkopfaffen, Titis, Saimiri oerstedii, Squirrel Monkey
Doppelzahnweihe, Harpagus bidentatus, Double-toothed Kite
Langschwanz-Eremit, Phaethornis superciliosus, Long-tailed Hermit
Elvira-Kolibri, Elvira chionura, White-tailed Emerald
Caligo-Eulenfalter, Brassolidae, Cáligo
Dickkopffalter, Hesperiidae, Skipper
Helikonienfalter, Heliconiidae, Heliconia
Helmbasilisk, Basiliscus basiliscus, Lizard Basilisc
Grüner Leguan, Iguana iguana, Common Iguana
Rennechse, Cnemidophorus spec., Whiptail Lizard
Grüner Pfeilgiftfrosch, Türkisbaumsteiger, Dendrobatus auratus, Green Poison-arrow Frog
Granulierter Baumsteiger, Goldfröschen, Dendrobatus granuliferus, Granular Poison-arrow Frog
Krokodilkaiman, Caiman crocodilus, Spectacled Caiman
Bromelienlaubfrosch, Hyla ebracata, Bromelia Treefrog
Rotaugenfrosch, Agalychnis callidryas, Red-eye Treefrog
Kleine Waldschlange, Kleine Waldnatter, Forest Adder
Tamandua, Kleiner Ameisenbär, Tamandua tetradactyla, Collared Anteater
About the film:
Where are we able to observe Monkeys and Parrots, undisturbed in their natural surroundings? In the small central American Republic of Costa Rica we still encountered numerous examples of these jungle acrobats.
In the high mist forests and the lowland rain forests, Spider Monkeys swing from branch to branch with their long arms, and high up at the top of these giant trees, the Scarlet Macaws demonstrate their climbing prowess and acrobatic artistry - interspersed with vaudeville show numbers - to celebrate the beginning of the mating season.
The small Squirrel Monkeys, also called Titis, show their gymnastic expertise in the brighter Cecropia trees around the coastal rain forests. Here they are easily spotted, but only for a short time. Titis hardly ever settle anywhere, that is, unless they find their favourite Guabo fruit tree. Then one can enjoy at length the playful pranks of these spirited acrobats, with their daredevil jumps and rowdy knockabout behaviour. Their otherwise harmonious family idyll is emphasised by the caring females, the mothers and aunts, who carry the young permanently around with them.
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