Melodies of the Jungle
Hidden Monkeys and Colorful Parrots in Peru (2002)
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List of species:
Mülleramazone, Amazona farinosa, Mealy Parrot
Arakanga, Ara macao, Scarlet Macaw
Grünflügelara, Ara chloropterus, Red-and-green Macaw
Springaffen, Rote Springaffen, Tocones, Callicebus moloch, Dusky Titi-Monos
Nachtaffen, Musmuquis, Aotus trivirgatus, Night Monkey
Totenkopfaffen, Frailecillos, Saimiri sciureus, ssp. boliviensis. Common Squirrel Monkey
Kapuzineraffen, Gehaubte Kapuziner, Cebus apella, Brown Capuchin
Breithauben-Stirnvogel, Oropendula, Psarocolius angustifrons, Russet-backed Oropendula
Gelbbürzelkassike, Cacicus c. cela, Yellow-rumped Cacique
24-Stundenameise, Veinticuatro-hormiga
Schwarzkehlspecht, Campephilus melanoleucos, Crimson-crested Woodpecker
Rote Brüllaffen, Alouatta seniculus, Red Howler, span. Cotomonos
Trompetervogel, Psophia leucoptera, Pale-winged Trumpeter, span. Trompetéro
Meerschweinchen, Cavia aperea, Guinea pig, span. cuy
Makifrosch, Affenfrosch, Phyllomedusa vaillanti, Dorsolateral-lined Leaf frog
Regenbogenboa, Epicrates cenchris, Rainbow Boa
Baumfrosch, Hyla sp. Treefrog
Schwarzschwanz-Trogon, Trogon melanurus, Black-tailed Trogon
Schwarzohrpapagei, Pionus menstrus, Blue-headed Parrot
Goldwangenpapagei, Gypopsitta barrabandi, Orange-cheeked Parrot
Gelbbrustara, Ara ararauna, Blue-and-yellow Macaw
Grünflügelara, Ara chloropterus, Red-and-green Macaw
Arakanka, Ara macao, Scarlet Macaw
About the film:
The “Tambopata” nature preserve in Peru is a rainforest area at the foot of the Andes, on which little research has been conducted.
The tropical forest is known for its flocks of colorful iridescent parrots, which largely occupy the thick jungle and fly to the loamy steep slopes of the river (“Colpas”) every morning in order to consume the minerals they need.
However, the play put on by the very loud parrots is not the only thing that attracts visitors from all over the world. The thick and thorny jungle, which is humid and full of insects, also hides many species of monkeys such as Red Howler, Brown Capuchin and Squirrel Monkeys.
However the Dusky Titi-Monos, which like to sing, as well as the hidden Night Monkey are difficult to see in the unsurpassable thicket of plants. We can experience the word-wide first ever video footage of these primates living a hidden life.
Images for film: