Sky Goats
In the Polish Swamps (2005)
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List of species:
Wasserfeder; Hottonia palustris, E: Water violet
Sumpf-Dotterblume, Caltha palustris, E: Marsh marigold
Wasserschlauch, Utricularia vulgaris, E: Common bladderwort
Gelbe Schwertlilie, Iris pseudacorus, E: Yellow iris
Bach-Nelkenwurz, Geum rivale, E: Water avens
Wollgras, Eriophorum vaginatum, E: Harestail cotton sedge
Kampfläufer, Philomachus pugnax; E: Ruff; PL: Batalion
Dunkler Wasserläufer, Tringa erythropus; E: Spotted Redshank; PL: Brodziec sniady
Kreuzkröte, Bufo calamita, E: Naterjack toad
Uferschnepfe, Limosa limosa; E: Black-tailed Godwit; PL: Rycyk
Bekassine – Himmelsziege, Gallinago gallinago; E: Snipe; PL: Kszyk
Kiebitz, Vanellus vanellus; E: Lapwing (Peewit); PL: Czajka
Fuchs, Vulpes vulpes, E: Fox
Braunkehlchen, Saxicola rubetra; E: Whinchat; PL: Poklaskwa
Weißsterniges Blaukehlchen, Luscinia svecica cyanecula; E: White-spotted Bluethroat
Feldhase, Lepus europaeus, E: Brown hare
Doppelschnepfe, Gallinago media; E: Great Snipe; PL: Dubelt
Fischotter, Lutra lutra, E: Otter
Wasserskorpion, Nepa cineria, E: Water scorpion
Schwarzstorch, Ciconia nigra; E: Black Stork; PL: Bocian czarny
Schelladler, Aquila clanga; E: Spotted Eagle; PL: Orlik grubodzioby
Karmingimpel, Carpodactus erythrinus; E: Scarlet Grosbeak; PL: Dziwonia
Kleiner Heufalter, Coenonympha pamphilus, E: Small heath (butterfly)
Stinkwanze, Palomena prasina, E: Green shieldbug
Laubfrosch, Hyla arborea, E: Common tree frog
Kornweihe, Circus cyaneus; E: Hen-Harrier; PL: Blotniak zbozowy
Kleine Moosjungfer, Leucorrhina dubia, E: White-faced darter
Weißstorch, Ciconia ciconia; E: White Stork; PL: Bocian bialy
About the film:
Europe‘s largest, primarily natural, river system (the valleys of the rivers Narew and Biebrza) is located in the northeastern-most part of Poland. Many thousands of square kilometers of sparsely populated, extensively farmed and cultivated, as well as partially untouched natural landscape are hidden behind this superlative. The Polish protectors of nature are correct in calling this area the “European Amazon”.
Next to Black-tailed Godwit and Lapwing, Snipes also breed on the flood plain. Along with its wrenching sounds, the Snipe makes strange “bleating” flight sounds while going into a dive. This is why people call it the “Sky goat”. Today, hardly anyone knows of its artsy mating flight.
Only at dusk and in the wee hours of the night do the Great Snipe come together for their group mating ritual, in order to strike up their curious song of chatter in chorus with their opponents.
The graceful Hen-Harrier – and also the larger Marsh-Harrier - nest in the tall grasses. Very rarely do territorial struggles occur between these two birds of prey. A struggle between these two Harrier - species was filmed for the first time.
The Otter lives in the area in which the swampy grasslands and forest moors morph into small lakes. The Otter, who is not very shy but all the more curious, shows us its playful behavior and desire for hunting.
Images for film: