The Song of the Puszta
Hungary (2007)
back to film archiveTrailer (6:00 min):
List of species:
Kreuzspinne, Aráneus marmóreus, E: Garden Spider
Schachbrettfalter, Melanargia galathea, E: Marbled White
Warzenbeißer, Décticus verrucivorus, E: Wart-biter
Feldlerche, Lerche, Alauda arvensis, E: Sky Lark
Ziesel, Citellus citellus, E: Ground Squirrel, European Suslik
Rohrweihe, Circus aeruginosus, E: Marsh Harrier
Rotfußfalke, Erythropus vespertinus, E: Red-footed (Falcon) Kestrel
Echte Kamille, Matricaria chamomilla, E: Chamomile
Nickende Distel, Carduus nutans
Vierfleck-Libelle, Libellula quadrimaculata
Wiesenotter, Vipera ursini, E: Meadow Viper
Feldgrille, Grýllus campestris, E: Field-cricket
Perlmutterfalter, Mesoacidalia aglaja, E: Dark green Fritillary
Dickkopffalter, Ochlodes venatus, E: Large Skipper
Jagdspinne, Grasgrüne Huschspinne, Micrómmata viridíssima
Laubkäfer, Kleiner Rosenkäfer, Phyllopértha hortícola
Schwarzkehlchen, Saxicola torquata, E: Stonechat
Klatschmohn, Papaver rhoeas, E: Corn-poppy
Großtrappe, Otis tarda, E: Great Bustard
Triel, Burhinus oedicnemus, E: Stone Curlew
Federgras, Stipa pennata – Königskerze, Verbascum densiflorum
Steppeniltis, Mustela eversmanni, E: Turkestan Polecat
Rohrammer, Emberiza schoeniclus, E: Reed Bunting
Schilfrohrsänger, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, E: Sedge Warbler
Schafstelze, Motacilla flava, E: Blue-headed Wagtail
Dukatenfalter, Heodes virgaureae, E: Scarce Cooper
Prächtiger Bläuling, Plebicula amanda, E: Amanda´s Blue
Schwanenblume, Butomus umbellatus, E: Flowering Rush
About the film:
The Puszta is a symphony made up of colors, wild horses, horseback rider acrobatics and virtuoso violin players – at least this is the way most tourists imagine their visit to the Hungarian Puszta.
However, those who leave the touristy areas will discover an unbelievable depth of rare plants and animals.
Quiet sounds which can be heard inside the Hortobágy nature reserve: with a little luck, the trilling of the Sky Lark, the whistle calls of the European Susliks, the cries of the Stone Curlew, the calls and vibrations like those of the Red-footed Falcon and the Great Bustard. Those with a lot of patience may even have the chance to see these vocal artists.
Lajos, an old “Csikós”, lives on the edge of the Puszta in a simple Tanya, a Hungarian homestead. If there is a special occasion to celebrate, many friends visit Csikós in order to drink wine with him and sing shepherd songs. If the first violin player, the “Primas” of the gypsy music group accompanies them, the song of the Puszta resounds with the most beautiful notes: it is the song of the “Pacsirta”, the Sky Lark.
Images for film: