The Magical World of Venezuela
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List of species:
Helmkolibri, Oxypogon guerinii, Bearded Helmetcrest
Oktober-Espeletie, Espeletia schultzii
Morgenammer, Brachyspiza ( Zonotrichia) capensis, Rufus collared Sparrow
Andenaster, Senecio formosus
Paramo-Veilchen, Viola obliquifolia, Andean Violet
Kondor, Vultur gryphus, Andean Condor
Anden-Felsenhahn, Rupicola peruviana, Andean Cock of the Rock
Grüntangare, Tangara gyrola, Bay-headed Tanager
Virginia-Uhu, Bubo virginianus, Great Horned Owl
Brauner Kapuziner(affe), Cebus nigrivittatus (olivaceus), Weeper capuchin
Morpho(falter), Morpho spec.
Nymphalidenfalter, Nymphalis spec.
„Achtundneunzig“, Diaéthria clymena
Helikonienfalter, Agraulis vanillae, Heliconia fritillary
Streifentyrann, Myiodynastes maculatus, Streaked Flycatcher
Fliegenschnäpper (Schwefeltyrann), Tyrannopsis sulphurea, Sulphury Flycatcher
Schwarzkehlspecht, Campephilus melanoleucos, Crimson-crested Woodpecker
Kleinspecht, Xylocopus minor, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Breitflügelbussard, Buteo platypterus, Broad-winged Hawk
Kiemenschlitzaal, Synbranchus spec.
Silberreiher, Casmerodius albus, Great Egret
Roter Brüllaffe, Alouatta seniculus, Red Howler Monkey
Scharlachsichler, Eudocimus ruber, Scarlet Ibis
Aruco, Anhima cornuta, Horned Screamer
Blatthühnchen, Jacana jacana, Wattled Jacana
Wasserschwein, Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris, Capybara
Brillenkaiman, Caiman crocodilus, Caiman
Mohrenkaiman, Melanosuchus niger, Black Caiman
Rallenkranich, Aramus guarauna; Limpkin
Gelbkopfstärling, Agelaius icterocephalus; Yellow-hooded Blackbird
Schwarzkehlkardinal, Paroaria gularis; Red-capped Cardinal
Rotschnabelpfeifgans, Dendrocygna autumnalis; Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Witwenpfeifgans, Dendrocygna viduata; White-faced Whistlg.-Duck
Grünleguan, Iguana iguana
Scherenschnabel, Rhynchops niger; Black Skimmer
Orinokogans, Neochen jubata; Orinoco Goose
Kanincheneule, Speotyto cunicularis; Burrowing Owl
Anakonda, Eunectes murinus; Anaconda
Flechtenglöckner, Procnias averano, Bearded Bellbird
Rotbürzelkassike, Cacicus haemorrhous; Red- rumped Cacique
Morgenammer, Brachyspiza capensis; Rufous-collared Sparrow
Tupfentangare, Tangara punctata; Spotted Tanager
Schwarztangare, Tachyphonus rufus; White-lined Tanager
Blaukinn-Kolibri, Chlorestes notatus, Blue-chinned Sapphire
Purpurnaschvogel, Cyanerpes caeruleus; Purple Honeycreeper
Türkisnaschvogel, Cyanerpes cyaneus; Red-legged Honeycreeper
Guianischer Felsenhahn, Rupicola rupicola; Guianan Cock of the Rock
Spitzkopfnatter, Gonyosoma oxycephala
Cleliaschlange, Clelia clelia
Gelbgebändeter Baumsteiger, Dendrobates leucomelus; Arrow poison frog
Speerreiher, Agamia agamia, Chestnut-bellied Heron
Sonnenralle, Eurypyga helias, Sunbittern
Gavilan, Buteo magnirostis, Roadside Hawk
Weißbauch-Klammeraffe, Ateles geoffroyi, Black-handed spider monkey
Harpyie, Harpyia harpyja; Harpy Eagle
About the film:
Venezuela is more than an exciting tropical vacation paradise. Its contrasting landscapes like the Coro Desert to the north, the Llanos Swamps in central Venezuela, the rainforests of the Guiana Highlands to the west and the high Andes Mountains to the east are fascinating. All of these natural habitats are home to breath-taking natural beauty.
In the highlands of Páramo a Kolibri “the Chivíto” breeds, even in spite of the constant nightly frost at altitudes of over 4000 meters! Farther down in the mountain forest, the attractive Andean Cock of the Rock can be briefly seen.
The large Llamos Swamps stretch from the Andes westward to the lowlands of Orinoco. These swamps are a paradise for birds, in the middle of a sea of water hyacinths. They also provide a habitat for the Cabybara, the Rote Red Howler Monkey, the Caiman and the largest snake in South America, the Anaconda.
The “Tepuis”, impressive flat-topped mountains, protrude out of the misty rainforest of the Giuana highlands. These mountains are made up of sandstone blocks from the prehistoric age and are over a billion years old. The tallest waterfall on earth, the “Salto Angel”, flows from the Auyán-Tepui one kilometer (!) downward into the impenetrable jungle. It is home to strange animals such as Andean Condor, the bright red Guianan Cock of the Rock or the emerald green Arrow poison frog. The most powerful eagle in the world, the Harpy Eagle waits in the treetops for Black-handed Spider Monkey to show themselves. The “Quebrada de Jaspe”, a riverbed comprised of pure semiprecious jasper, is also a natural wonder! This is a special kind of magical world.
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