Hot Land on the Red Sea
In the Lowlands of Yemen (1995)
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List of species:
Schmarotzermilan, Milvus migrans parasitus, Black-Kite
Tiputip (Kuckucksvogel), Centropus superciliosus, White-browed Coucal
Wüstenrabe, Corvus ruficollis, Brown-necked Raven
Grünschenkel, Tringa nebularia, Common Greenshank
Sandregenpfeifer, Charadrius hiaticula, Ringed Plover
Seidenreiher, Egretta egretta, Little Egret
Flußseeschwalbe, Sterna hirundo, Common Tern
Hammerkopf, Scopus umbretta, Hamerkop
Graukopfliest, Halcyon leucocephala, Grey-headed Kingfisher
Abdimstorch, Ciconia abdimii, Abdim´s Stork
Erznektarvogel, Hedydipna metallica, Eastern Pygmy Sunbird
Dóberabaum, Flaschenbaum, Zahnputzstrauch, Christusdorn
Kleiner Singhabicht, Melierax metabates, Dark Chanting Goshawk
Webervogel – Gilbwebervogel, Textor galbula, Rüppell´s Weaver
Goldsperling – Jemen-Goldsperling, Auripasser euchlorus, Arabian Golden Sparrow
Senegalracke, Coracias abyssinicus, Abyssinian Roller
Kamel, Camelus dromedarius, Dromedary, Arabian Camel
Jemenitischer Graudrossling, Argya squamiceps, Arabian Babbler
Smaragdspint, Merops orientalis, Green Bee-eater
Gänsegeier, Gysps fulvus, Griffon-Vulture
Winkerkrabbe, Uca spec., Fiddler Crab
Reiherläufer, Dromas ardeola, Crab Plover
Grosser Brachvogel, Numenius arquata, Curlew
Mongolenregenpfeifer, Charadrius mongolus, Mongolian Plover
Pfuhlschnepfe, Limosa lapponica, Bar-tailed Godwit
Temminkstrandläufer, Ereunetes temminckii, Temminck´s Stint
Löffler, Platalea leucorodia, Spoonbill
Küstenreiher, Egretta gularis, West African Reef-Heron
About the film:
Yemen is a subtropical country, this means great heat and plentiful rains in the summer. It is only cool at higher altitudes. Two thousand years ago the Himyarites and Sabeans used the comfortably cool highlands up to the highest mountain peak to build their fortified villages, for this very reason. By creating terraces which held back downpours, highland farming could be carried out at up to 3,500 meters above sea level. This is still the case today.
The small agriculture makes for lots of space for nature. A high degree of structural diversity from the sea to the mountains makes it possible for many species to exist. They come from Asia, Africa and the Arab world, but also developed endemic forms such as Yemen Monitor, Yemen Linnet or Golden-winged Grosbeak.
The shy Yemen Monitor, a one to one-and-a-half meter large lizard, was first caught on camera and documented by the author in 1985 - and three years later scientists described it as a new species.
In the desert-like Tihama, we come into contact with Rüppell´s Weaver, the Abyssinian Roller and the endemic Arabian Golden Sparrow.
The mangroves near the Red Sea provide many animals such as Fiddler Crabs, Sandpipers and Crab Plovers with nourishment and shelter.
Traveling in Yemen is currently extremely difficult or even dangerous because the lone regions of the backland provide an ideal stomping ground for the Islamic terrorist organization “Al Qaida”.
Images for film: